BAS Academy. Practical course: How to add liquidity in a crypto pool and start earning cryptocurrencies with it.
Course aims:
You will learn how to buy cryptocurrencies from an Exchange. Set up a wallet on your computer. Send money from the Exchange to the wallet. To exchange cryptocurrencies and to contribute them in a DeFi protocol to receive crypto of benefit for contributing this liquidity.
With this exercise we intend to explain terms among others such as Exchange, wallet, cryptocurrency, token, AML/KYC, DeFi, mining, native token, protocol, bitcoin, Ethereum, bsc, swap, uniswap, pancake swap, metamask, etherscan, etc.
Teaching staff:
- Luis Gonzalez Alonso and Alejandro Perez: BAS technicians with more than 5 years of experience in the crypto world and experts in DeFi.
- Sign up on the Binance platform, and pass the AML/KYC of the platform.
- Have a credit account to be able to invest 150 euros in a cryptocurrency.
- Have a computer to use a wallet.
- Language: spanish (for training in English write to us at
Course program (6 hours, 3 days)
Initiation session 1 (2 hours)
Concepts: buying in binance, registering the wallet, transferring it to bsc and putting liquidity.
Practical session 2 (2 hours)
Practice 1: buying in binance, registering the wallet, transferring it to bsc and putting liquidity in it
Practical session 3 (2 hours)
Practice 2: buying in binance, registering the wallet, transferring it to bsc and adding liquidity.
Price of BAS course on how to add liquidity in a crypto pool
- BAS members: 100 euros
- Non-members: 250 euros
Payment by bank transfer after filling out the registration form or contacting