Passionate about our work, we are a group of professionals with international experience in the legal sector who have seen technology as a powerful alternative to simplify our clients’ business relationships and conflict resolution.
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Board of directors

General Manager of Heimdall Technologies, a company with a license for the GBM currency exchange, and Honorary Consul of Mexico in Estonia.

Rector for Neiron Academy for AI. He is advisor and regional partner for Yield App, a crypto wealth management bank, CEO of the first wine blockchain consortium WineDAO. Levan is a tokenization and crypto lawyer.
Levan Bodzashvili has worked for the Ministry for foreign Affairs of Georgia on different positions, he served as deputy ambassador to the OSCE and Austria, Ambassador at large, Director of the department for European Affairs, deputy minister for foreign affairs and acting minister, was appointed as ambassador to Switzerland. He also served as deputy secretary of the national security council and acting secretary of the national security council of Georgia from 2015-2017. He took different international positions having worked as legal secretary at the European court of Human rights and a senior legal expert at the EU ESDP mission.
He also worked as chief of cabinets of the chairs of constitutional court and the supreme court on different occasions. As well as director for international law departments at the Constitutional Court and the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. From 2004-2008 he was a member of the Venice Commission. He was nominated as a Supreme Court justice by the President of Georgia.
He also worked as a project lead and a senior legal and technology adviser at the Anaklia development consortium for the Smart City project.
Levan has published numerous articles about constitutional rights and human rights, cyber law and technology law in general.
Direction and tribunal of arbitration
The Board

Graduate in Law (1980 Santiago de Compostela) and Theology (1984 Navarre). Doctorate in Theology (1985 Navarre) and in Law (1986 Navarre). Abogado del Estado (1989), Letrado del Consejo de Estado (1989). Senior Counsel to the Council of State (2010-present). Partner of "Ariño & Asociados" (1997-1999), Partner-Director of the Legal Service of "BDO Audiberia" (1999-2003), collaborator of the Law Firm "Pedro Mejías y Asociados" (2003-2005), and Partner of "Cuatrecasas" (2005-2008). Chairman of "Coello de Portugal, Abogados". Fluent in English, German and Italian. Contributor to the newspaper EXPANSIÓN (1991-2012). Co-director of the programme "Derecho y Vida" (1999 - 2005) on "Radio Intereconomía".

Lawyer of the General Courts and the Council of State, Professor of Constitutional Law and Head of the Chair of Arbitration at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (2004-2017). Official mediator by ISDE. Author, among others, of the books: "Tratado de Derecho Arbitral", 4th edition, Thomson-Reuters; "Estatuto y responsabilidad del árbitro", 2004, Aranzadi. Author of numerous monographs, papers and articles on domestic and international arbitration. Lecturer and speaker at universities and academic centers. International arbitrator.
Permanent commission

Manuel Arroyo is a partner of Eversheds Sutherland in Switzerland. He specializes in international arbitration and commercial litigation. Over the past two decades, Manuel has acted in over 100 international commercial arbitrations as counsel or arbitrator. His prior experience includes, inter alia, over ten years as a partner in two business law firms, five years as an associate and several years as a law clerk at the Swiss Federal Supreme Court. He is recognized, inter alia, by Chambers & Partners, Legal 500 and Who's Who Legal.

He is graduated in Law from the University of Lisbon, Law School (1968). Is a lawyer and arbitrator recommended in international directories and publications including Legal Experts and Chamber & Partners Global. Is founding partner, in 1989, of the law firm Barrocas Advogados, based in Lisbon, but also with individual practice between the years 1970 and 1988.
Is member of the Portuguese Bar Association, Brazilian Bar, ICC Latin Group, President of the Portuguese Chapter of “Cour Européenne d’Arbitrage”, member of APA (Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem), member of the Club Español del Arbitraje (Portuguese chapter).
He is also arbitrator of LCIA, arbitrator of CIMA (Corte Civil y Comercial de Arbitraje), Madrid, member of the IBA “Council Board” (International Bar Association – SBL) 1994-1998, Member of American Bar Association (“Section of the International Law Practice”), Member of Association Européenne d’Études Juridiques et Fiscales, member of the Advisory Board of Center for American and International Law, Dallas, Texas. And former representative of IBA (International Bar Association) in Portugal.
He speaks Portuguese, English, French and Spanish (fluent in all the indicated languages).
His areas of practice are Corporate Law, Corporate Finance Law, Mergers and Acquisitions, Construction Contracts, Commercial Contracts, Shipping, Insurance, Arbitration and Litigation.
As arbitrator, he has participated in many cases, both domestic and international files including some under the ICC Rules. As counsel, he has intervened in a number of cases, both domestic and international. As arbitrator professor, chairing a pre-mock trial at ICC Paris (2016) and mock trial at Universidad Carlos III (Madrid) (2015 and 2016).
As invited professor, he has taught Arbitration Law in post-graduation law courses at Faculty of Law of the New University of Lisbon. As speaker, he has delivered lectures on arbitration at the Faculty of Law, University of Lisbon, Law; Faculty of Law, Catholic University, Lisbon and the Fundação Getúlio Varga Law School, in São Paulo, Brazil, as well as at conferences organized by several arbitration institutions.
He has published books like Manual de Arbitragem (a 900 page treatise on arbitration that has become a reference book on arbitration in Portugal and Brazil) now in 2nd. Edition and published by Almedina, Coimbra, 2014; Lei de Arbitragem Comentada (Portuguese Arbitration Law of 2011 and comments), published by Almedina, Coimbra, 2013).

He specialises in energy, resources, carbon, Web3 and distributed ledger technology. His experience is industry-focused and comprises disputes and advisory matters relating to technology, oil and gas (particularly LNG); the voluntary carbon markets; mining and metals (exploration, production and marketing); and blockchain and cryptocurrency.
He regularly acts for tech companies, oil, gas and mining majors and supermajors, multinational traders and banks, exchanges and crypto market participants in a range of complex disputes and commercial advisory matters, and he is commonly referenced as an energy-focused legal expert in key trade publications.
Much of Dan's work in recent years has involved assisting clients with achieving their energy transition goals.
Having been based in Singapore since 2010, Dan is a multi-panel arbitrator. He has conducted high-value arbitrations under, amongst others, SIAC, ICC, LCIA and AAA-ICDR Arbitration Rules, and ad hoc arbitrations seated in several jurisdictions. Dan is also an experienced mediation practitioner, having mediated numerous complex disputes

She is an attorney dually qualified in New York and Spain, who works in International Arbitration at White & Case LLP in New York. She holds an LL.M. with honors from Columbia University (New York), which she pursued with a full scholarship from “La Caixa” Bank.
She has practiced in several Spanish law firms, including Uría Menéndez and Cuatrecasas. Marta also graduated with high honors from a double degree in Law and Business from Pontificia Comillas University (Madrid), combined with programs at Boston College (USA) and City University of Hong Kong (China.)
She completed the four-year Leadership Program in Liberal Arts at Francisco de Vitoria University and leads several pro-bono and volunteering projects both in Spain and the United States.

His studies include graduation in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid (2008), Master in Stock Exchange and Financial Markets from the Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles (2007), Specialisation Degree in Arbitration from the Rey Juan Carlos University (2009) and Official Master in Public Law of the Autonomous State at the Instituto de Derecho Público of the Rey Juan Carlos University (2010), Master in Intellectual and Industrial Property and ICT from the Centro de Estudios Financieros (2016), Official Mediator Degree from the Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía (2021).
He is member of the Madrid Bar Association since 2009. Specialised in civil contracting, contentious-administrative, urban planning, intellectual and industrial property.
He has extensive training and experience in arbitration and mediation. Is arbitrator of the Spanish Court of Arbitration (2010-2013). He is currently Secretary General of the Ibero-American Court of Arbitration and Mediation of the Creative Industries (CIAMIC). Is a member of the List of Arbitrators and Mediators of the Civil and Commercial Court of Arbitration (CIMA) and is an Arbitrator of the Spanish Arbitration Society (SEA) and of the Arbitration Council for Renting of the Community of Madrid.

Born in the United States, he is currently Assistant Professor of Law, University of Navarra (, and Independent Legal Consultant, Pamplona, Spain.
He has worked as an attorney in the U.S. at the New York, Florida and Massachusetts State Bars. He is registered as a solicitor with the Law Society of England and Wales and registered with the UK Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). He is an adjunct academic fellow at the Pell Centre for International Relations and Public Policy - Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island (USA).
His experience as a lawyer includes Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Milan (Italy) where he worked in the Corporate Department. At Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, London, UK, as an Associate in the Corporate and Capital Markets Department. At Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP as an Associate Attorney and in Palm Beach, Florida (United States), in the Corporate and Venture Capital practice.
Education: Graduate of the Institute of International and Development Studies - Institut de Hautes Études Internationales et du Développement (Université de Genève), Geneva, Switzerland (1993 - 1995); Diplôme d'études supérieures (Master) in International Relations - Specialisation in History and Politics. B.A. from Boston College Law School, Newton, MA, 1996 - 1999. He is also a graduate of Providence College, Providence, RI, 1989 - 1993 double major in History and Modern Languages (Spanish and Russian).
Former President, International Law Society, 1997-98, member, 1996-99; participant in negotiation and client counseling competitions, 1996-97; member, Latin American Law Students Association, 1998-99.
Doctor of Law (comparative business and anti-corruption law); Summa Cum Laude ("outstanding cum laude") with qualification of Doctor Europaeus (to meet transnational and linguistic requirements with respect to research, writing and in-person defence of dissertation). Dissertation title: "The parameters of board duties on corporate corruption and bribery: comparative development of applicable laws, regulations and cases (US, Federal and Delaware vs. the UK - focus on England and Wales)".
His publications include the book "Directors' Duties and Corporate Anti-Corruption Efforts in the United States and the United Kingdom, Edward Elgar Publishing".
Since September 2018 he has been teaching comparative law courses at IBLP (International Business Law Program) at the University of Navarra Law School also at Clifford Chance London Legal Week.
From an academic point of view he has been an adjunct/visiting professor of law and independent legal consultant, in Milan, Italy (March 2006 to August 2018). He has provided academic training in 14 countries on four continents (and in four languages) mainly focused on international and comparative corporate governance; company law; capital markets and securities regulations; anti-corruption laws and international contract drafting, as well as other areas of commercial/trade law, such as competition/antitrust law.
Advisory Board
We have an advisory board of experts, passionate about technology and innovation that will help us define objectives, question processes and encourage constant improvement, contributing his vision and his technical, business and human experience.

Serial entrepreneur, crypto philanthropist. With 10+ years of experience, his blockchain innovations included the world's first purely non-custodial escrow in collaboration with the more veteran founders Lev Mikulitski and Fred Meyer. Additionally, he has been helping some lawmakers and provided technical advice to institutions such as the European Supervisory Authorities (EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA) among others, on behalf of the industry. One of these consultations was Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), contributed in collaboration with the Blockchain Arbitration & Commerce Society (BACS).

Spanish professor, speaker, and writer known for his analysis of the Great Recession and author of the book titled "The Ninja Crisis and Other Mysteries of the Current Economy."

For over 30 years, he/she has helped hundreds of companies with internationalization, and is now applying Blockchain technology to international trade.

Industrial Engineer, one of the most renowned Spanish entrepreneurs in Blockchain and asset tokenization, and one of the founders of Tutellus.

Doctor in Business Administration from the University of Navarra. He has been a member of the committee for the VW Navarra-University of Navarra Business Chair.